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Education Scotland Inspection 22/23
HMI Inspection
Our recent inspection was carried out by Education Scotland on November 2022, report released January 2023.
A link to our School & Nursery report: Crieff Primary School | Inspection Report | Education Scotland
Three key questions which we explored:
How well do children learn and achieve?
- Improvements in performance
- Learners’ experiences
How well does the school support children to develop and learn?
- Curriculum
- Meeting learning needs
How well does the school improve the quality of its work?
- Improvement through self-evaluation
The following word scale is used in reports so that readers can see clearly what judgments mean.
Excellent means outstanding, sector leading.
Very good/positive/effective, Sound, Quality, Commendable mean major strengths.
Good means important strengths with some areas for improvement.
Satisfactory means strengths just outweigh weaknesses
Weak means important weaknesses
Unsatisfactory means major weaknesses
All - 100%
Almost all - 91-99%
Most - 76-90%
Majority - 51-75%
Less (or fewer) than half - 16-50%
Few - up to 15%