Current News
Current diary dates
- 27 Jan 25 - PIP Meeting 6pm TEAMS
- 31 Jan 25 - PIP Bingo Tea - Crieff Legion
- 12 Feb 25 - In-service Day
- 13 Feb 25 to 14 Feb 25 - Occasional Holiday
- 6 Mar 25 - UNICEF World Book Day
- 7 Mar 25 - PiP Family Quiz Night
- 24 Mar 25 to 27 Mar 25 - Lendrick Muir
- 4 Apr 25 - End of term
- 7 Apr 25 to 21 Apr 25 - Spring Holiday
- 22 Apr 25 - In-Service Day
- 1 May 25 - PIP Beetle Drive
- 2 May 25 - UNICEF Day for change
- 8 May 25 - PiP T3 Meeting
- 9 May 25 - P1 and P7 Picnic
- 12 May 25 - PIP Meeting
- 30 May 25 - Sports Day
- 30 May 25 - BBQ Day
- 6 Jun 25 - Bumpy Up Day
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Welcome to Crieff Primary School
A warm welcome to Crieff Primary School.
Crieff Primary School is a values based learning community where we take pride in developing all aspects of children’s learning. We are committed to promoting care of the environment and providing children with opportunities to ‘make a difference’ in our local situation.
Our school values are: Respectful, Responsible, Ready
We look to foster in our children positive attitudes to work, achievement, self-esteem and the wider world. We support the children to develop the skills to enable them to live a fulfilling life, contributing positively as they make their way in the world. To this end we build effective partnerships with you and the wider community so that together we can share the important task of preparing our children for the opportunities and challenges of the future so that they can achieve their full potential and follow their dreams.
As well as focusing on academic achievement, we also to recognise and celebrate all aspects of our children’s development. We have a number of pupil groups in school where pupils plan collaboratively with staff to take decisions on learning and the life of our school and put creative learning and pupil voice at the heart of all we do.
We offer you opportunities to share in your child’s learning through regular and creatively planned activities where we welcome parents, families and friends to see and share in the fantastic learning that takes place here in Crieff Primary School.
We hope you find the information on this site useful. Working with our families and community to foster a positive learning experience for all our children, is important to us.
- Suz McKenzie Headteacher
- Hannah Wallace Depute Headteacher (Nursery, P1-3)
- Adam Stewart Depute Headteacher (P4-7)
- Janet Copland Principle teacher